How to Prep Your Lawnmower for Spring

Home maintenance is an around the clock job. When one season rolls in and another is on it's way out, we've got to prepare for what each has in store. Before grabbing your shades to head outside and mow, don't neglect the annual maintenance on your lawnmower. Taking care of the few items below will ensure you get optimal performance from your mower and help you achieve the lifespan you are hoping for.

- Change the oil
- Clean or replace the filters
- Add fresh fuel and consider treating it with a stabilizer to make it last
- Remove debris build-up from the mower deck or blades
- Sharpen the blades regularly (& carefully!)
- Change out the spark plug once a yearNow that the snow is (hopefully) gone until next winter, the tall green grass and sprouting weeds will soon overrun the yard and you'll need a healthy lawnmower to whack it all down. Maintain this essential tool by:

Ready to put that snowblower away? Now that spring is here to stay, we can get the snowblower ready for storage so next winter it's ready to go.

First, you'll want to drain out any fuel remaining in the tank to avoid it turning to sludge after months of oxidation. Changing the oil now is also a smart idea to save time when you need to use it again. Make sure it also gets a good wipe-down as any salt left on the exterior can corrode the metal over time. If you notice any worn or broken parts, make note of them so you can get the machine back in tip top shape for winter. Once it's ready to be put away for a few months, make sure to cover it up to avoid any possible future damages that can occur while it rests in storage.

Happy mowing!


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